Monday, September 28, 2009

the first Astrologers

In ancient times the first Astrologers would get their information by looking up at the sky. And while a star-gazer does not see the entire sky at one time, they do see the actual planets and where they are in relation to the rest of the fixed sky.
Somewhere along the line the ancient Greeks figured out a way to make a MAP of the planets in the sky by using a wheel with the earth at the center. These maps were called Horoscopes or The Zodiac. To put it simply the Zodiac is the Horoscope wheel and the signs on that wheel. This was great at the time, because it allowed Astrologers to see what the stars were doing - even in bad weather conditions. But there was one problem with this, these maps were 2 dimensional, while the actual sky is 3 dimensional. But Horoscopes, or the Zodiac became extremely popular. So popular in fact, that it wasn’t long before people forgot to look at the sky altogether when consulting Astrology.
They lost crucial information at that time however, and it still hasn’t been returned to it’s place in the world of Astrology. The information that was lost was the declination or if you prefer the elevation of a planet in relation to the equator of the Earth. This elevation is responsible for many things including the Winter and Summer Solstices and the Fall and Spring equinox’s.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Electronic Voice Phenomena. People beleive that audio tape recorders and other electronic recording devices can actually record the voices of people who have passed from this life . Recorders, tape recorders and other portable recording devices and are referred to as tools. for evp record sounds of spirits has sparked the interest of people who are already studying the occult and the supernatural.

The EVP investigation can be studied for longer periods than usual because the recording and has been becoming more main stream with movies like white noise shows like the ghost hunters so on, As for researchers performing investigations using EVP, this provides them an enhanced means for listening to E.V.P.'s
Keeping Track of the Supernatural Recordings

First of all, before you begin the session, you need to start with a simple prayer/spell asking for protection to help retain the peace within the area The right prayer to rid harmful energies or spirits from a particular site, Please be careful not all ghost are nice,

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Supernormal, not Supernatural.

Supernormal, not Supernatural.
Supernormal, not Abnormal. There is Prevailing Ignorance. Prejudice
Against the occult world. We need to see the Higher Planes of Nature,Most mistaken conceptions of
the occult is it is unnatural and as so is that which is outside of the
realm of Nature, and of Nature's laws. the human senses, ordinary or
extraordinary, the moment we start to experience see and believe it must be regarded as being properly in the category of "natural."
This is true not only of such phenomena as are perceived by means of our
ordinary five senses, but also of those which are perceptible only to
the highest powers of perception, which are latent in
all human beings but which are believed only by
comparatively few individuals, I believe it is that same Ignorance. Prejudice.that makes us afraid to explore the extraordinary,
In all of us So there is my little rant ,My advice is Live life explore.
Love &Light

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