Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Supernormal, not Supernatural.

Supernormal, not Supernatural.
Supernormal, not Abnormal. There is Prevailing Ignorance. Prejudice
Against the occult world. We need to see the Higher Planes of Nature,Most mistaken conceptions of
the occult is it is unnatural and as so is that which is outside of the
realm of Nature, and of Nature's laws. the human senses, ordinary or
extraordinary, the moment we start to experience see and believe it must be regarded as being properly in the category of "natural."
This is true not only of such phenomena as are perceived by means of our
ordinary five senses, but also of those which are perceptible only to
the highest powers of perception, which are latent in
all human beings but which are believed only by
comparatively few individuals, I believe it is that same Ignorance. Prejudice.that makes us afraid to explore the extraordinary,
In all of us So there is my little rant ,My advice is Live life explore.
Love &Light

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