Friday, January 15, 2010

List of Angels and Demons

List of angels and demons. The entities listed below, have at various times been subject to exoteric and esoteric teachings throughout our history in many allegedly divinely inspired traditions as physical beings or as a psychological projection into the outer world of our own good and evil emotions and thoughts.

In Christianity, one of the 7 archangels, Uriel plays a role in the rescue of Jesus’ cousin John the Baptist from the massacre of the innocents. He carries John and his mother Saint Elizabeth to join the Holy Family after their Flight into Egypt. From medieval Jewish mystical traditions, Uriel is also the Angel of Sunday and the Angel of Poetry.


The archangel of death in Islam also equated with the angel of death in Judeo-Christian traditions and sometimes more commonly known as the grim reaper. He has 4 faces to watch over the 4 cardinal points of the earth, he has 4000 wings, and his whole body consists of eyes and tongues, the number of which corresponds to the number of people inhabiting the earth, he will be the last to die, recording and erasing constantly in a large book the names of men at birth and death.


In Christianity and Islam, Gabriel prophesied the birth of Jesus. He is regarded by Muslims as the intermediary between God and Muhammad in revealing the Qur’an, where he is known as Jibril. Believing in angels is one of the six Articles of Faith in Islam. In Mormonism he was both Noah in his mortal existence and Gabriel in the realms of heaven. Gabriel is mentioned only twice in the New Testament, the passage “I am Gabriel, who stand before God” (Luke 1:19), have led some to think that he must belong to the highest rank, however he is an archangel which is 8th in rank of the 9 orders of angels. The orders are: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.


Metatron is primarily associated with Judaism. The Zohar (a Kabalistic work attributed to Simeon Ben Iochai) identifies him as the Angel who oversaw the exodus of the people of Israel out of Egypt. Many esoteric traditions teach that he is the scribe who takes down God’s words, it is said he has an good sense of humor, and can at times be very mischievous! Metatron is associated with the symbol of a blacksmith’s hammer, which represents the shattering of our realities, and then the forging of new ones


Many civilizations believe in angels, and many names have been given to the various angels. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Bible names only three angels that have a definite individual personality. They are Michael – Prince of Angels, Gabriel – Archangel of annunciation, resurrection, mercy, revelation and death and Satan – The Fallen Angel was a Seraphim are said to be the highest order of angels who guard God’s throne. They are often depicted as ‘burning angels’ to represent them on fire with love for God. In the Bible Isaiah saw them as six winged beings. Tradition holds that they were the first creation of God, to enable God to know himself, through their existence and experiences.


Moroni is the name given by Joseph Smith to the angel that he claimed appeared to him several times in the 1820s. Smith believed that he was the keeper of the gold plates upon which was written, the book of Mormon. The plates were written in unusual characters, referred to as “reformed Egyptian”. Smith hid behind a blanket so no one else could see the golden tablets, and translated them into King James style English. Smith claimed that Moroni instructed Smith to use every means at his disposal to facilitate the translation including the use of a magical stone. Mormon theology says that when Smith finished the translation, the angel Moroni took the gold plates away with him to heaven. In 1826 Joseph Smith was charged with being a disorderly person and an impostor by a court in Bainbridge NY.


These are demons, male and female respectively who inhabit people’s dreams in order to have sex with them. One such encounter with an Incubus is said to have resulted in the birth of Merlin, the wizard of Arthurian legend. The Succubus are said to be highly attractive, sustaining their life force by repeated and forced fornication in the presence of the mans wife to the point of complete exhaustion resulting in death.


Referred to as The Guardian of the Abyss, The Scarlet Woman, Mother of Abominations, her place in St. John’s Book of Apocalypse (Revelation) and Enochian magic inspired occultists to elevate her to the position of the liberated woman within the Mystical system of Thelema. This culminated in a series of magical rituals known as the Babalon Working. These took place between January 4 and March 4, 1946 by Jack Parsons (the co-founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL) and his partner and scribe Frater H. The point of these rituals was to invoke and manifest Babalon, then to conceive a child who would bring forward the aeon of Horus and the death of all religion. The success of the rituals has been debated ever since, in esoteric and occult legend. Jack Parsons died in 1952 aged 38 in an explosion at his home, and rumors have persisted of a magical working gone wrong. A crater on the far side of the moon is named after him. After the Babalon working, the scribe, Frater H, eloped with Parson’s wife and his money. The identity of Frater H? None other than L Ron Hubbard the founder of scientology!


In Aleister Crowley’s magical system of Thelema, the serpent Choronzon is the ‘dweller’ in the Abyss, the final great obstacle between the magician and true enlightenment. Choronzon is known as the ‘Demon of Dispersion’, and described by Crowley as “a temporary personification of the raving and inconsistent forces that occupy the Abyss.” The name Choronzon though popularized by Aleister Crowley, first occurred in the Enochian records of John Dee (a consultant on many issues to Queen Elizabeth I) where Choronzon is synonymous with the serpent of the garden.


Lucifer means “light-bearer” and it is used in various places in the Vulgate Bible as a reference to the planet Venus, a sign of the Zodiac, and “the aurora” (Job 11:17, Job 38:32, Psalm 109:3), and also as the name of the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:12) which is considered in Christianity to be a metaphor for the Prince of Devils.

Now you got the basics on Angels And a few on Demons. Here are some Angels you can call on for help in areas of your life,never call on a demon for help or anything stay away from that side.

Part 2 Helping Angels

Angels of love can be called to heal your relationships.

Cassiel – This is the angel of solitude and tears and can comfort those who find themselves lonely after a break up of an important relationship.

Chamuel –Chamuel is the archangel of Love and can help you with children, finding a soul mate, finding forgiveness, and all matters of the heart. This is the angel of compassion, mercy, forgiveness and understanding. This angel helps you repair damaged relationships. Pray to this angel if you want to bring a new relationship into your life.

Gabriel – This significant archangel can help bring you a soul mate whose tastes match your own in every way. Ask for a mate who is absolutely compatible with you.

Gagiel – This is the angel of fish and water, which symbolizes conception and the act of fertility.

Haniel – This angel of Love provides your life with grace and a natural luck that protects you from accidents and brings you exactly what you need at all times.

Harut – This angel helps prevent confusion in your love life and prevents discord between man and wife.

Jophiel – This angel is a powerful archangel that can help you make a choice if you find yourself caught in a difficult love triangle.

St. Michael – This angel of protection can help you keep your loved ones safe and protect them from all harm. He is an especially important angel if your husband or wife is a soldier or a rescue worker (such as a fireman) who may be in need of protection.

Muriel – This angel that rules the month of June, can help bless your wedding and your lives with joy and many children.

Nuriel – This angel can help protect you and your loved one from fire and especially recommended as a protective angel for the spouses of firemen.

Raguel – This is an angel of fairness, justice, and harmony. He can help ensure fidelity in a relationship.

Raphael – This angel of healing corresponds to the heart chakra. He also helps open up your heart so you are more receptive to love. He is responsible for repairing broken spirits after a disappointing love affair. Pray to Raphael if you need to heal a damaged relationship or have trouble discarding the past. He also helps resolve conflicts and personal wars. This angel can also help individuals through difficult rites of passage such as divorce.

Uriel – This is the Angel of Peace and helps resolve problems in your personal relationships. He can help you let go of bitterness and resentments. Appeal to this angel if you need to get smoothly through a divorce or you need to reconcile with a long lost friend.

Help With Finances

Azazel – This angel can bring you money or what you need immediately to sustain you. He saves those in the direst of circumstances whose situations seem hopeless. Pray to this angel when you feel you are very desperate and have no more recourse.

Barachiel – This angel, who is depicted as holding a basket of bread, can make sure that you always have bread on the table and want for nothing in life.

Chamuel – This is an angel of pure love who when appealed to can make sure that you have everything you need to be happy every day. Pray to him if you do not want to worry about money anymore.

Gabriel – This angel can give you the savvy, discipline, and good sense that it takes to save money over a very long term. He is good to pray to if you want to save for an education or buy a house.

Gagiel – He is technically the angel associated with fish and water. Fish in Christian history symbolize faith and prosperity.

Harut – This angel protects you from the witchcraft of business rivals!

Israfel – This angel can help give you the kind of foresight that you need when you doing business and need to make a lot of money by helping you see the big picture.

Jhudiel – He is the advisor and protector of all those who work in positions of great responsibility and assures that money is earned in an ethical way.

Jophiel – This angel of illumination can help you see the big picture of your business or career future and help you make difficult decisions if you are at some kind of crossroads in your life.

Malik – This Islamic angel protects you against bad business, terrible investments, and being taxed too much. He is an angel that prevents conflicts and protects policy makers. He is very concerned with ethical business practices.

Metatron –This angel is a scribe in heaven and can help you keep accurate records in your business.

Saint Michael – This angel can protect your business from thieves and robbers and help your creditors show mercy on you.

Rapheal – Raphael is a major archangel who takes pity on the poor and helps keep food on the table and necessary medicines and health treatments available to all who call for his help.

Uriel – This major archangel is the angel of Peace and helps make sure that all of your professional relationships are running as smoothly as possible.

Zadkiel – Pray to this angel of joy if you feel you are having a hard time with money or legal problems in your business. He stands for justice, mercy, and eliminates feelings of dissatisfaction.

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